We had a fabulous time skiing this weekend at Hidden Valley Ski Resort just outside St. Louis. We went with our friends, Bo & Heidi (and Lyla and Josie) and Brady and Brittany. Bo, Heidi and Brady all like to snowboard and have been many times, but it was the first time skiing for the rest of the group (Except me of course, we all know about my excellent skiing abilities! I was the official photographer this trip.)
Here we are picking up our skis and getting used to the ski boots.
Time to hit the slopes!
The only picture of all the grown up girls!
Everyone's up on their skis and ready to go! Bo is giving Lee some tips before he takes off. He was a big help to us since he's done this before.
They're about to hop on the carpet to take them up the slope.
Some of us had problems getting on...
and getting off! :)
They finally made it to the top of the slope and Harrison took off before we even realized it!
Emma Taylor's turn.
Sarah loved it too!
She came down and immediately headed back up!

Anna Grace was the most hesitant to start down the slope but liked it once she got started!

Here's Lee in action.
Brittany and Brady
Bo and Lyla. Her face cracks me up!
Bo snowboarding.
It was time for our lunch break at the lodge. (Not sure what happened to my makeup, yikes!)
Once we fueled up, we hit the slopes again! This time the girls tried the rope lift. It was a little trickier. We never got on the chair lift. That was for the big slopes!
Poor Sarah landed in the splits. Ouch!
Anna Grace finally had enough!
We were all finally worn out, so we headed back to the hotel to swim and hang out in the hot tub. Oh so nice! The kids thought it was great since they could swim and play air hockey and other games by the pool. We thought it was great because we could relax!
It was a really quick trip, but we had a great time trying something new. I'm really proud of how well the kids did on their skis. It definitely isn't easy (for me anyway!).