Fall 2013

Fall 2013

December 24, 2012

{ Christmas Eve }

The kids (obviously) love opening presents and always try to figure out what's what before they actually open them.  This year I followed my aunt Karen's lead and picked paper for each kid, and kept the paper selection to myself, so they wouldn't know who the presents belonged to!  Good idea....they didn't have a clue!  :)  The odd sized boxes I used threw them off too.  Christmas Eve morning is when they get their presents from me and Lee, so we always look forward to this time with just the six of us!

Anna Grace was thrilled with her iPad mini!
Here's Harrison with his new flat screen, but I think he was more impressed with his millionth box of LEGOs!  :)  The TV was a little more impressive once it made its way upstairs to his room!
Sarah's big present was a new laptop!
Emma Taylor was just a tad excited over her new iPhone!

Memaw, Granna and Papa D came to hang out with us for a bit and then stayed for dinner.  They even stuck around long enough to help Emma Taylor and Harrison make reindeer food to sprinkle outside.  We love that tradition!

 The more sprinkles, the easier it is for the reindeer to spot!
 We ran out of traditional Christmas colors, so the kids just ran with purple!
 All mixed up and ready to feed to the reindeer.  
(Looks like Lee and Papa D were deep in conversation!)
Sprinkling the food on the lawn, or in Harrison's case, dumping it before I can make it outside with my camera.  :)
 Emma Taylor has more of a method!
The kids got quick baths and then into their Christmas pajamas!  Oh how I love matching Christmas PJs!

Emma Taylor made a plate of cookies and a cup of milk for Santa, Harrison set it out and Knox thought it was for him!  I quickly had to grab it and set it on the mantle!  Sheesh....you have to be quick around here!  In all the commotion, I forgot to take a picture.  I promise we left cookies for Santa, so he will remember we were nice and come back next year! 

Wish the girls had been with us the whole evening, but thankfully they'll be back in the morning!  Can't wait for all of us to head to Granna and Papa D's for PJ Brunch!  YUM!

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